
equi nox

Happy Happy Joy Joy! First day of Spring!
(or the first day of autumn for those in the southern hemisphere)

The day is the same length as the night (equi-nox: equal night), the sun will rise exactly in the east and set exactly due west and while all of this is happening, we will be carried along by the sun on a journey around the center of the galaxy. It takes 200 million years to travel once around the galactic center... and then the galaxy is moving too! Through a universe of galaxies! I find it comforting to know that I've never been HERE before and I will never be here again...

Last week I was ...
*making this add to go in this magazine:
*whipped up 4 brochures
*taught 7 dance classes / 1 yoga class

*added some new photos to:
Dakini Designs
*did my taxes....woo hoo...
*and watched
: Jean Cocteau's 1946: Belle et la BĂȘte
A lovely movie, like poetry strewn across the screen and fashioned into a magically surreal vision of life, death and all the desires that hold them together. The aesthetics of the Beast's enchanted castle were truly inspired; candelabras of moving arms, smoke-breathing caryatids (look it up) with moving eyes, magic talismans, a horse, a glove, a key, enchanted gardens...
a profusion of delight.