
ancestor worship

Recently I've been feeling the complete lack of ancestor worship in this country. Other places in the world seem to maintain a strong sense of continuity between past, present and future via thier connection with thier ancestors (and thier children) but not here. It might lend some much needed meaning to our own lives if we knew that we might be remembered for how we lived them.

It's the rare person who knows anything about their lineage beyond 3 or 4 generations, myself included. In the spirit of ALL who walked this Earth before us, I raise up a glass of pixels in supplication at this cyber ancestor shrine. I know almost nothing about my great, great, great... (Mother's side) Aunt but she has become a patron goddess of family history to me, I feel her in my veins [click on the photo to enlarge]. I do know that her dog's name was Hector, named after the noble warrior and leader of the Trojan army who fought to the end defending his family, a very Saint Bernardian quality. By placing this photo on the mantle of this blog I invoke and honor the memory of ALL our ancestors and ALL who brought us into this moment.