
happy divali

The night is black, kindle the lamp of love with my devotion.
-Rabindranath Tagore

Divali was last night and we totally celebrated.
I cleaned the house the entire day, baked, made a happy kolam and gave gifts. Lila set up the shrine and lit the candles and then we chanted some Sanskrit verses to the Goddess Laksmi and to Jyoti (light).

The word "Divali" comes from the Sanskrit word "deepavali" -- "deepa" meaning light and"avali" meaning a row. This refers to the small ‘diva lamps’ that are lit at sunset, illuminating the darkness and heralding the onset of winter.

During the festival of Divali (the 14th day of the dark half of Aashwayuja) we create beauty and flood the house (the heart) with light as the invocation of Sri Lakshmi (Goddess of abundance, beauty and divine manifestation). We ask her to pour into our hearts, penetrate the darkness and conquer all fear and ignorance. This self-enlightenment is celebrated by cleaning the house, bathing, anointing the body with sandalwood oil, wearing new clothes, burning incense, making joyous sounds, lighting lamps, drawing kolam and offering prasad. This is also an auspicious day to start new ventures, as the goddess will bestow blessings of prosperity, success and abundance.

With our devotion we kindle the divine "Lakshmi-Blaze" within.