
u. s. of a.

Gabriel's lovely cousin from Germany is visiting for a month. I inquired as to the name of the town she hails from, she says, "Moers, near to Düsseldorf". I looked up the location on Google World but all the sites were in Doi-ch-ah...oh..or maybe that was Deutsche? What's with this 4 Consonants in a row thing? And what of Nietzsche? 5 Consonants? No wonder he went bonkers.

"Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger"...indeed!

So the grand excursion of 2 days ago consisted of the cousin marveling at how big everything in 'America' is (she needs to visit Texas!) and Gabriel suggests that she pay a visit to Costco, that land of really big food!

...I tag along to take photos! In Germany, one does not buy 10 pounds of grape fruit... or
pampelmusen as they are called.

Wow...its like a warehouse of food!

Shall we buy some milk? Seems the smallest amount is 2 Gallons!!!
Me, behind the camera, "OH! I am so embarrassed to be an American."

"Wow! This is heavy...do you think you can carry it Gabriel?"

We laughed so much!